I've been thinking about what kinds of weird things make me, a whole, real person and here's what i've come up with....
I love worn in jeans, and loose fitting tshirts. Flip flops and messy buns. I rock that casual life like a boss. I love funny, smart, quick people who don't take themselves too seriously. I like reading all things from blogs to news articles to novels. Memoirs is my favorite things ever.
I have a tumblr, but i dont' really do much with it. I like audio books, navy blue and anchors. and stripes
I like happy endings, purple flowers, lavender and using honey as a sweetener. I like cucumbers and watermelon with salt and raspberries (without salt).
I love board games, making lists and dreaming big dreams. I love remembering, and my family. and having friends who feel like family.
I'm obsessed with SNL. I would do pretty much anything to be in the same room as Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. I love chicago. and i'm in love Nashville and Tennessee.
I wish i could live in stars hallow and be lorelai glimore. I love iced tea.
I'm horrible at accessories but i love them. I love sundress, especially ones that twirl, but i'd almost always rather be in leggings and flip flops. I love makeup but i'm terrible at applying it.
I feel strongly and passionately one way or the other about pretty much everything except what i want to do with my life.
I love acoustic music, good lyrics and pretty much everything that makes me cry.
If i love you, it's a roller-coaster. if i don't, it's ice cold.
there are somethings. not all, that are less weird than i think they are but have my name all over it.
i need a creative outlet....so maybe i'll start writing something more of substance in the coming weeks.
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