Monday, April 18, 2016

Things i wish i would have known.

1. Being honest in important, telling the kind truth is the best way. You'll never regret being gentle and kind to people, but there is a good chance if you take the opportunity to jab someone, to make them feel hurt, justified or not, you'll eventually feel like an asshole.

2. Make good choices.  Yeah, that means like good healthy choices like not drinking so much, no smoking or kissing random boys you don't know....but it also means that sometimes you need to stay in bed and watch netflix, or it means that you need to run around your favorite places to feel good about life or sit in a bookstore and feel not so alone.  Sometimes the best choice is exactly what you need to do to take care of yourself.

3. Say yes to things that will push you out of comfort zone.

4. Say yes to the people you love.

5. Boundaries: They're not the worst.

6. Spend some time figuring out the parts of you you like a lot. It'll come in handy on the days where you hate everything about yourself, or so it would seem.

7. Nothing is really forever. Except maybe marriage.

8. There are some boys who are totally worth it. Some you'll realize too late. Others, are not quite what you except but are definitiely worth the investigation.

9. The songs that remind you of sweet things like people you love or your first kiss....hang on to those. it's important.

10. The things you think are important in your 20's will not matter nearly as much in your 30's.

11. Best friends don't really last and that's actually really okay.

12.  It's really nice to have someone who has your back. They will yelled at people outside for you.  Just be gentle with the person who's getting yelled at. They aren't so lucky.

13. I feel like i'm transitioning our of the my transition time. I can actually feel it. It think its important and I want to remember how it feels.

14. School is hard. Kids are crazy. But its the only thing you really know  how to do, so don't give-up on it.

15. You parents are jacked, but they're also amazing. love them well.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Every life begins with hope.

I just watched a documentary on Nora Ephron which was super lovely.  If you ever saw You've Got Mail and loved it, or  if you like a funny, dreamy, Dorothy Parker quality person, it's up your alley.

So now, of course, i'm obsessing over Rom Coms and New York like it's my job. The idea of being a writer is SO romantic to me. 

Also, I literally wish my life was a romantic comedy. Currently, it's more comedy than it is romance, but someday my prince will come. I mean, maybe. 

Also, I'm really into my tumblr right now, which is the stupidest thing I've ever written out, but alas, i think it's the cutest. 

I have two lists stored in the "notes" section of my phone. Well, three , if you count the one that has exactly one thing on it: Salad Girl, Fig and Curry salad dressing, which as it turns out is one of my favorite salad dressings. 

You're welcome. 

Anyway one list I know for sure is book titles. I plan on reading like a BOSS this summer. The other one is a list of...well...what i can only assume are things that make me smile. It is the most random list in the universe. I can't even tell you when or why i made it.  I'd except this to a like....drunk list? I know it sounds weird, but I've totally done it...normally it's a combo of things I need to get from target (almost always conditioner and face wash), Celebrities on my "list" you know the kind of list i'm talking about (almost always Chris Pratt and Jimmy Fallon)  and bucket list items (Nashville, New York, write a book of essays). 

BUT i have not been drunk in a very, very long can only imagine. I'm going to share said list with you because i'm not ready to go to bed yet, and I have nothing of real substance to we go. In no particular order: 

1. Boys in white t-shirts and jeans 
2. Cab Sav and the way it dances on your tongue and makes you sour smile. 
3. The smell of a bonfire when it's cold 
4. The smell of liquor on someone's breath 
5. the smell of spring 
6. Boys with muscular arms in fitted t-shirts. 
7. Rita and Libby teaching me that good wine has "legs" 

And that's it. 7 things. basically bookended by boys in t-shirts. I plan on adding to it when the mood strikes so, i'll keep you updated, too. I'm sure you're waiting with bated breath. 

Nothing i do make any sense. 

Well, kids. It's spring. There are 38 school days left until summer. I am hopeful we'll all make it out alive.