Tuesday, February 23, 2016

If you like midnight driving with the windows down....

I'm not saying that you're interested in what a London Fog with skim milk tastes like (but you kinda are) they're terrible, and I want my 4 dollars back.

Side note: 4 dollars is a lot of money to spend on tea, yet I continue to do it all the time.

Additional side note: I'm thinking of giving up carbs for a minute, just to see what happens. (ps. i ate banana bread this morning...soo....already nailing it.)  I'm currently feeling pretty crappy about my body but feeling real good about the idea of the clothes i have actually looking not terrible on me. Also....i have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks.

And while we're just on the subject of things that are not being nailed....Lent. I super suck at this year. I'm literally a week behind. I have not fasted. I'm not nailing it.

But I am really trying to pause in the day and be grateful for it. Even on hard days there is laughter. Even on days when I feel like i'm not teaching life changing lessons....(which is basically every day) There are kids who come into my room to hug me, to exist, to freak out about something, or to just feel like the belong somewhere.

I think that's a win. For as much as i'm not reading a devo every day...which I know is important, I really do. And I do notice that I'm a better human when i do that, I have really been on board with this idea of  "being in it together."

Over the past couple of days I've been really thinking about ordinary moments where I've felt so connected to other people, and it's actually made me love humans in a whole new way.

One time, when I was in a season of my life when i was a straight up train wreck. I was running myself completely ragged and i had just totaled my car and i was working at a school where kids swore at me and shot weird paper clip things at me.....and i cried a lot.

It sounds sad, because it was but it was really formative, so i'm okay with it....and also it's over so it's all kind of nbd now.

Anyway, My friend and pastor picked me up from school and he could tell that i was just a hot mess....so he drove me to this house that looked like it was made out of a tree....and that you'd expect Bilbo Baggins to walk right out of.  Like...it actually belonged in the shire. And we laughed about this gem that is tucked back in the heart of highland park. We got gelato and for like 45 mins i didn't think about how crappy my life was. I just existed, i felt heard. It felt good to a laugh and discover something totally random in the most unexpected and ordinary of places.

And the profundity of the moment was lost on me until about 3 days ago when I was driving through Highland looking for the damn tea source. I just smiled like a fool. I like pulling memories out of my pocket and dusting them off until they glow with that golden hue that reminds you that everything doesn't suck.

Today I was so grateful of the moments during the day when I get to just interact with my kids. They are funny and sweet and they make me laugh harder than most people. They also make me madder than most people.....but i love them, and i love getting to love them and teach them.

Being on the other side of hard stuff is cool, but being thankful for the roads that got you there is probably even better.

i'm listening to a lot of One Direction. I'm only like YEARS late man. what the hell. Who even knows.

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