Monday, January 1, 2018

You run me down right restless and wild.

I love everything about the end of the year. December is probably the prettiest month. (but like, don't tell October, cause she's my girl and I don't want her to feel bad).

But the snow and the sparkles and the glow of December is literally unbeatable. I also like reflecting and projecting.

2017 was a strange little bird. It was full of a lot of life-giving, smiling inducing, instagram worthy moments. But it was also hard, and strangely disappointing. Due to my general laziness this year, I apparently didn't choose a word to go focus on, which, turns out didn't kill me, so it's probably okay.

What, then was this year about, I mean if it wasn't a word, then what was it? I don't know that I have an answer. It could be about establishing myself. It could be about trying and effort and putting myself out there in a way that led to more friends, and new friends that weren't because of someone else.

So many it was about creating my own little world and for the most part, it's been super lovely. Although I've come to expect that not everyone I let into my little corner of the world is going to be amazing, but giving them a chance won't kill me and that is a lesson I apparently needed to learn.

Not everyone is going to break my heart, but not everyone is going to be a gem either. The effort. The trying is what's important. The fear of rejection was pushed back ever so slightly. Forward momentum is forward momentum. I'm not picky.

So I guess that's what's to be learned here. I stood at the beginning of 2017, holding out my heart in the palm of my hands, offering it to whoever would take it and it didn't kill me. It actually did the opposite. It's been a good feeling to offer the world, or at least part of it, my heart again.

also, i discovered instagram story so my life is forever changed.

Which brings us to 2018. So far, things are on the up and up. I've been thinking about what I want 2018 to look like for months now. My words this year are basic, maybe a little odd, but will point me in a direction that looks more like Jesus.

Word one: Witness. I want to pay attention to what's happening in and around me, and the people I love. I want to see them and see the good that is being birthed in them. I want to spend more time looking at all the places God is at work. The broken places especially. Beautiful, good things come out of the broken places, and I want to be paying attention.

Word two: Celebrate. The world has enough critics. I want to spend time celebrating the life, the opportunities and the people that cross my path. My natural inclination is to affirm and celebrate people, so this seems easy, and I hope it is mostly. But I'm looking specifically at how to celebrate from a place of brokenness.  When life feels hard, and the overwhelming message is a negative one, how do we celebrate what's in front of us? How do we celebrate the people we want to punch in the face. What kind of love does it take to say "may it be so" and celebrate in the midst of a storm?

(Not that I'm prayin for storms. No thank you. GTFO with the storms.)

And finally: Amen. It's not a noun or a verb. It's an exclamation. It's uttering that something is true. What would look like if amen isn't just the what you say to end a prayer? What if it's an attitude? What if how i live and what i say says "amen" to who God is and what he's doing? I don't even understand what this means quite yet, but i'm excited to find out. "In heartache or hope, i swear i'll say...amen"

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