This photo was our last birthday together. I have pangs of guilt, waves of nostalgia, and a rush of total gratitude for all we've been through and how much she has shaped who i am, and where i've been when i look at this photo.
The reality is, it's really easy for me to be angry and to sit in hurt but i'm trying really hard to be grateful for the roads we've traveled separately.
i'm so melodramatic that sometimes it makes me annoyed with myself.
but really, i love Melissa. She's a good one and she's trying to hard to do what's right and good. i can't argue with people trying to do good and be well. i hope she gets everything she needs and that's the same as everything she's ever wanted. Because everyone deserves to be happy.
anyway...yeah...i feel like a first class wrecking ball today. i don't even know.
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