So, it appears, I've taken the summer off from writing. Not intentionally, really. I didn't have a computer for a month while I was transitioning from "church girl" into a teacher.
And to be honest, the transition is happening currently, as it takes me awhile to sort myself out.
The last week feel like a blur moving at a snails pace. It's been a long time since i felt like everything was flying and going SO SLOW at the exact same time. My life is actually just a pile of contradictions filled in with LOTS OF FEELS, and LOT of Laughter.
You know, the drill, or at least you should at this point. Originally, I was trying to sort of out the last week. I feel like a lot has happened and i'm trying to figure out how i feel about it all of it.
And it would be a whole thing. Instead I'm going to give you 2 lists. List one is things that I believe we should all invest in because they just make life better, and who isn't out to live a life that's all it's cracked up to be? And list 2 are just somethings (tv shows, music, books etc) that I'm especially into at the moment.
I like lists, I need to write more and i've literally done nothing today of any substance so I figure getting some thoughts out probably isn't the worst idea.
Where to start, where to start: How about with investments.
10 Thing everyone should invest in:
1. Good Friends. I'm still relatively young, (ahem ...30) and I've learned a lot about what kind of people are worth keeping around. Invest in your friends, and be friends with people who invest in you. If someone doesn't ask how you're doing when you're in's not worth it. You deserve to have some who is as willing to listen to you as you are to them. There are very few people who love you when things are sweet and when you're the worst version of yourself. Pay attention to the people who go the extra mile....and tell them you love them.
2. A good pair of jeans. The kind that make your butt look great and the perfect shade of worn in. I get mine from the gap. I hate jeans shopping but when you find your's like magic.
3. Books. Read people. I don't care what you read, but read. Anything and everything you can get your hands on. Read about people and history and laugh and cry. It's amazing how authors shape words that can make you think, laugh, cry and act. books can change your life. READ.
4. Education. Go to school. Find something your passionate about. Try new things. Learn to play the guitar or to to draw, or about cars or poli sic. You won't regret being educated. You'll never spend more money, that's true...but you'll never spend money a better way.
5. Dreams. Have ideas. Dream big. chase your dreams. Sky's the limit people, and it's time we start acting like it. Dreams change the world.
6. Good underwear. They should make your boobs and butt look great. I've found cute underwear that I feel great in can drastically change how i feel about my least for the day.
7. Adventures. Mostly, i think we should invest in the unknown. Say yes to things that are scary and new and hold on for the ride.
8. You Family. You only get one, make sure your time with them isn't an after thought. They deserve to be a priority.
9. Your passion. Whatever it is. Make time for it and get the things you need for it. It'll make you happy.
10. Jesus. It's worth it even though its hard and makes you want to quit a lot.
things i'm into right now.
1. Comedy of all kinds
2. Classic Literature
3. Coffee with coconut
4. Amy Poehler.
5. Hazy, lazy summer sunsets
6. School Supplies
7. Spotify Playlists....check em out because they're the rarest
8. Listening. I really want to hear people's stories, why they are the way they are, how they hope to be, what the hope to accomplish.
9. getting back into the blogging game
10. Boys who are funny and beautiful (chris pratt, seth meyers, jimmy fallon)
11. New England. I belong in Cap Cod or Nantucket. Like actually.
12. anchors. forever.
13. my family. some of them are batshit crazy. The rest are incredible.
14. Headbands.