Thursday, July 31, 2014

Let me be singing when the evening comes....

There are times when I look around and everything feels foreign. Everything. and i wonder what the hell i'm even doing with my life?

But actually.

Then there are times, when you sit in places and drink beer and talk about college, and life before you knew each other, and how its scary to get your first big kid job. And you almost cry. And you plan parties and laugh about having soft hearts, and you show up on a whim wearing leggings knowing that it doesn't even matter. and you talk to your waitress about vacations and nail polish like you're old friends.

And i really like that.

I also really like getting texts from Rita, who just always knows when things aren't awesome and all she says is "I hope your day has turned around" and "wine and chocolate at my house whenever you need it"

and for the love.

How can you ever be disappointed when you have people like that in your life.

Jesus is such a funny little guy.

i can't remember the last time i was on vacation.

i might just say "fuck it" and go to nashville for my birthday  and turn 30 there and do what i want.

and also get "my anchor holds within the veil" with an anchor hanging off the last l tattoo on my body

because the reality is that nobody cares about pinkie swears and sentimental shit the way i do.

Here's to belonging, and being grateful and doing things the way makes sense to you, and being excited that the best is yet to come.

because it will.

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