Saturday, July 26, 2014

i believe in thing called love.

I haven't made a good list in a long time. Mostly because i haven't had the attention span or the desire to make one.

 But for tonight, for the sake of having nothing else to do, here are some things, i believe in:

1. Saying "i love you" when you drop someone off that you love. You never know when you'll see them again.

2. Eating dinner together. As a family, as a group of friends, as a community. Sitting down to focus on each other is huge. Relationships matter and the time you get to spend with the special ones is always too short.

3. Helping. No offer is too small. A donation, an offer of help, to mow a yard, read a book with a kid, watch a baby. It all counts. It all matters.

4. Having at least one "spill your guts, cryin in front of " friend. You know. Someone you trust with the most fragile parts of you? That. Find one and hold on to her.

5. A go to outfit. A dress. some great jeans a t-shirt. Whatever makes you feel beautiful and good in your skin.

6. A day once in awhile where you don't get out of your jim jams and you drink coffee and watch whatever you want all day...and you don't don't answer the phone.

7. A day every now and again, that you go an adventure in your own city. Go to your favorite stores, grab coffee, find some great antiques. It's real good for your soul.

8. have coffee with your friends.

9. Hug the people you love.

10. Pray every day for other people before yourself.

11.  Make playlists for things like when it's raining, fall, when you're doing work.

12. reading about things you love. things that challenge you. things that break your heart.

13. being a kid sometimes.

14. Laughing. as often and as hard as you can.

15. letting people surprise you and help you and generally love you.

16. I believe in, as much as i can, that god's got me. and you. and he'll take care this world.

17. honoring your word, and your commitments.

18. Find a kid. and love them. pour into them. take them out for coffee. it can literally change the way things work.

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