Sometimes I wish I could take myself out of me and go Whoever "you" is. Someone who sees me not the way i see myself....or maybe like i see myself, i suppose it depends on the "you."
Would i look like i think i look, or would a different pair of eyes have more grace and see more beauty. Would i, as you, see all my real and perceived imperfections, or would you just see me? What do my spirit and my heart look like to my mom, my best friend, an acquaintance? Do i laugh too loudly, am i too proud, can you see that i'm trying to fake having it all figured out. Maybe if i knew i'm not fooling anyone it would be easier to accept that my life is not my own, and it's all part of a crazy plan that was created before the stars were hung in the sky.
What do my eyes tell you? Because as weird as it sounds, seeing me as you would probably help me see myself more clearly.
Still, seeing me is only a quick snap shot, a freeze frame of my life. Me now is not me in a year or even in 10 minutes, but still i think it would help us love each other more if we could see ourselves the way other people see us. for better or worse.
Most of the time i feel like i'm looking in a fun house mirror, imperfections accentuated, insecurities amplified, truths twisted so much that i barely recognize the person staring back at me.
How did i left myself believe that I'm not perfect the way i am? i have to have more friends, make more money, be more beautiful, be more successful, have more authority.
Especially when the truth is we were made to be more than a title on a door or the number on a pay check. When we let that define us, we let it confine us.
We need to break out, it's our time to shine.
The way we need to see ourselves is the way God sees us. Perfect, precious, and necessary.
We are poetry in a world of slogans.
I'm so profoundly passionate about this because i spent a lot of time with kids who literally have no idea how amazing they are. How capable they are. How the world were literally be different if not for their existence. It so vital that we tell these young people how incredibly beautiful they are, how much they are loved and needed and have a purpose in this world. My heart hurts for all the kids and 20 somethings and 40 somethings who don't know this.....or believe it.
Wow. a calling has never been more clear to me.
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